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Sunday 9 December 2018

Mineral Nutrition in Plants

Element - Function - Deficiency Symptoms - Sources

                        MAJOR ELEMENTS

• Sulphur (s) - Formation of certain proteins in the protoplasm - Yellowish of leaves ; stems become slender - Sulphates in the soil

• Phosphorus (p) - Formation of coenzymes and nucleoproteins ; acting as buffer ; nuclear division - Poor , weedy growth; stems and leaves become purplish ; mottling of lower leaves - Phosphate in  the soil

• Nitrogen (n) - Synthesis of amino acids, proteins , nitrogenous bases and chlorophyll - Extremely stunted growth with very small yellow leaves - Nitrates in the soil; ammonium salts in the soil

• Calcium (c) - Healthy growth ; cell wall formation; neutralizing acids; activating enzymes - Weak, stunted growth; poor root development - Calcium salts in the soil

• Iron (fe) - Formation of chlorophyll - Poor growth ; yellowing of leaves - Iron salts in the soil

• Magnesium (mg) - Formation of chlorophyll - Poor growth; yellowing of leaves - Magnesium salts in the soil

• Potassium (k) - Cell formation; regulation of certain cell activities - Very poor growth ; leaves turn orange or brown - Potassium salts in the soil.

Minor elements : minor elements are mainly required for the activity of enzymes.

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