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Sunday 9 December 2018

The Main Structural Adaptations of a Leaf to Photosynthesis

Structure - Adaptation

• Leaf Stalk - Able to hold leaf blade in the best position to receive maximum amount of sunlight

• Leaf Blade - Large surface r area for receiving sunlight; thin structure to ensure that the carbon dioxide that enters the leaf can rapidly reach each leaf cell by diffusion

• Stomata - Present on leaf surface e in large numbers to allow entry and exit of gases and water vapour from leaf

• Intercellular Spaces - present through out the leaf, linking the interior of leaf to the external environment,  enabling diffusion and distribution of gases and water vapour from and to all photosynthesis cells

• Transport Tissue - Well distributed throughout leaf to bring water to each photosynthesis cell and remove manufactured food from it

• Mesophyll tissue - Cells , especially at the upper surface, contain numerous chloroplasts to carry out photosynthesis

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