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Thursday 23 August 2018

Speaking In Tongues Not The Same As When The Holy Spirit Assists God's People To Pray According To The Will of God

When we pray at times, we often pray for somethings which are not according to the will of God. To help us (every Christian) out of this human weakness of not being able at times to ask God exactly for the things that are according to his will I.e. to ask God for our exact needs, the Holy Spirit dwelling in our hearts, who knows exactly the mind if God, in groans that can not be described in words, prays on your behalf in the secret or our hearts, to the knowledge of God who sees through our hearts.

Scriptural Reference

And as well as this, the spirit too, comes to help us in our weakness, for when we do not know how to pray properly, then the spirit personally makes our petitions for us in groans that can not be put in words;  and he who can see into all hearts knows what the spirit means because the prayers that the spirit makes for God holy people are always in accordance with the mind of God. Romans 8:26-27.

  The manifestation of the  holy spirit as described above, is not the same as praying in tongues as some people wrongly claim. When praying in tongues, the person praying actually speaks out words to the hearing of the people, just that the things he prays for this way, are not understood by them unless he (the speaker) interprets them (1 Cor 14:13-17). But in the case of the spirit assistance to us in our weakness to pray properly according to the will of God, he makes his groans in the secret of the heart to the knowledge of God alone. The groans made by the spirit are not spoken out. Unlike in praying in tongues, where the person praying says  out words which could be interpreted. The groans of the spirit in this manifestation are kept secret to even the person in whose heart is manifested.

  This manifestation takes place in the heart of all God's holy people (all baptised people in state of grace) as against speaking in tongue which is only a gift to some individual members of the Church.

   From the above explanation, it would be a misconception then , to say that the spirit's assistance to us in our weakness to pray according to the will of God, is the same speaking in tongues.

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