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Sunday 9 December 2018

Characteristics Features of the Main Invertebrate Groups

Phylum - Cellular organisation - Coelom - Body symmetry - Reproduction - Distinguishing Features

• Porifera or Sponges - No tissues - None - Asymmetrical - Sexual and asexual; usually hermaphrodites - Aquatic , adults non motile; filter feeders; possess pore and collar cells

• Coelenterates e.g. jellyfish, hydra, corals - Tissues - None - Radial - Budding and sexual; individuals are hermaprodites - Polyp and Medusa forms; stinging cells on tentacles

• Platyhelminthes e.g flukes, tapeworms - Organs - None - Bilateral - Sexual ; individuals are hermaprodites - Flag body with definite head and tail end

• Nematodes e.g. Ascaris , hookworm - Organs - pseudcoelom - Bilateral - Sexual; separate male and female individuals - Cylindrical unsegmented body

• Annelids e.g. earthworms, leeches - Organ systems - Coelom - Bilateral - Sexual; male , female or hermaproditic individuals - Cylindrical segmented body

• Molluscs e.g. snails, clams, oysters - Organ system - Coelom - Bilateral - Sexual; separate male and female individuals - Unsegmented body, muscular foot, mantle cavity; shells present in most

• Arthropods e.g. crustaceans, insects,  spiders, millipedes - Organ system - Coelom - Bilateral - Sexual ; separate male and female individuals - Jointed appendages ; chitinous exoskeleton; specialized segments and sensory system

• Echinoderms e.g. starfish, sea urchins, sea cucumbers - Organ system - Coelom - Radial (adult); bilateral (Larva) - Sexual ; separate male and female individuals - Spiny skeleton; system of water cans; tube feet

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