
Soccerepe is a website about Marketing, Agriculture, Social Science, Economics, Science And Technology

Sunday 9 December 2018

Levels of Biological Organization Showing Levels of Specialization in Various Representative Organisms

Level of organization  -  Representative organisms for level of Specialization

• Macro Molecule (non living) - Composed of atoms and molecules, able to carry out simple functions, e.g. enzymes, DNA, RNA

• Organelle (non living) - Composed of molecules and macromolecules, able to carry out complex functions  like photosynthesis, respiration e.g. chloroplasts , mitochondria

• Cell (living) - Composed of macromolecules and organelles; the basic unit of living organisms, capable of carrying out all living activities, e.g. blood cells, phloem cells

• Tissue - Composed of similar cells specialized to carry out particular functions, e.g. muscle tissue in animals (contractile), epidermis in plants (protective covering)

• Organ - Body part, composed of several types of tissues, capable of carrying out a specialized function, e.g. heart in animals (acting as a pump) , leaf in plants (making food by photosynthesis)

• Organ system -  Composed of functionally related organs, e.g. the circulatory system in animals consists of the heart, blood vessels and blood (for transporting materials throughout the animal) ; root system in plants

• Complex multicellular organism - Composed of several organ systems

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