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Saturday 8 December 2018

Dicotyledons and Monocotyledons

Dicotyledons : these are the primitive angiosperms. They may be trees, shrubs or herbs. Most large trees with spreading branches are Dicotyledons.

   Dicotyledons have these features :

• They bear seeds which have two seed leaves or cotyledons each.

• They vascular bundles of their stems and roots are arranged in a regular pattern.

• Their floral parts - sepals, petals, pistils and stamens - exist in groups of four or five.

• Their leaves  have veins arranged in a branched network.

• They have a trap root system.

• Dicotyledons usually undergo secondary growth.

    Some example of Dicotyledons are hibiscus, ipomea batatas ( sweet potato) Carica papaya (paw paw) , dioscorea sp. (Yam) , and vigna unguoculata (cowpea).

Monocotyledons : these are the most advanced plants. They tend to be more efficient and specialized because they have fewer parts. As such they shoe a very high degree of adaptation to their environment. They are generally herbs.

     Monocotyledons have these features:

• They bear seeds with one cotyledons each.

• The vascular bundles of the stem are scattered.

• Their floral parts exist in groups of three or multiples of three.

• Their leaves have veins running parallel to one another.

• They have a fibrous root system.

• Monocotyledons do not undergo secondary growth.

    Some examples of Monocotyledons are sea mays ( maize),  Elaeis guineensis (oil palm), axonopus compressus (carpet grass) , panicum maximum (Guinea grass) and oryza sp. ( rice).

Pls note : All Cereal plants are monocotyledons.

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